CHP Reduces Energy Operational Costs
A growing number of facilities are adopting Combined Heat and Power (CHP) to cut down their monthly expenses. This technology uses fuels in a more thermodynamically efficient manner. The outcome is a stable energy base load, predictable operational costs, and an increased facility value.
CHP solutions, also known as cogeneration, reclaim energy to further produce steam, hot or chilled water. Since there are different ways to apply this technology, careful considerations are required beyond your direct electrical or utility demands. A holistic approach is recommended, understanding not only your current infrastructure, but also your facility operations and future goals. CHP systems have been mostly beneficial for industrial, commercial and institutional facilities that seek a stable energy load, such as:
· Pharmaceutical Facilities
· Hospitals
· Hotels
· Manufacturing Facilities
· District Energy Centers/ District Cooling
· Other 24/7 occupied spaces
Investing in CHP allows for predictable operating costs and increased efficiency, assuring business continuity for the lifetime of the equipment. According to U.S. Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, it is reasonable to expect CHP applications to operate at 65-75% efficiency, a large improvement over the national average of ~50% for these services when separately provided. With multiple cleaner fuel sources available, your facility can also reduce its carbon footprint when compared to traditional systems. Given the cost savings and the increased reliability, a CHP system is an investment that appreciates the value of the property it serves.
At CMA, we have been working in CHP projects for several years and can help you find the CHP alternatives that match your specific needs. Should you want to know more about this topic, visit the CHP 5 fact sheets by and contact us at